How we scaled chikankari brand from 1x to 6x

How omni channel marketing helps that brand to generate 20 lakh/month with only ad spend of 1.8lakh/month

What we learn after spending 1.2 cr for this brand and we use Omni channel marketing for that brand.

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In a resounding crescendo of strategic marketing initiatives, the Chikankari brand embarked on an ambitious journey to scale its operations. This symphony of success unfolded through 71 thoughtfully crafted campaigns, featuring a staggering 430 ad sets and an expansive repertoire of 4,092 ads. Backed by a substantial investment exceeding 1.2 crores, this case study delves into the nuanced and multi-faceted approach that propelled the brand to unprecedented heights, achieving a remarkable average Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) of 4.

Campaign 1-30: Conducting Precision in Audience Diversification

The initial phase witnessed the brand strategically diversifying its target audience across 20 campaigns. Leveraging market research and data analytics, the team meticulously crafted unique campaigns targeting segments such as fashion enthusiasts, traditional wear aficionados, and wedding shoppers. The cumulative result yielded a substantial ROAS of 3.8.

Metrics Spotlight:

  • Custom Audiences: Tailored to specific demographics, interests, and behaviors, these custom audiences served as the foundation for precise targeting.

  • Cold Audiences: We use multiple cold audiences and detailed targeting for that brand as we know which type of audience work for that brand.
  • Lookalike Audiences: Harnessing the power of Facebook’s algorithm, lookalike audiences were crafted to mirror the characteristics of the brand’s existing high-value customers, ensuring a harmonious resonance with potential new buyers.

Movement 2: The Refined Cadence of Ad Sets

Within each campaign, a series of ad sets were meticulously composed. These ad sets were fine-tuned to align with the preferences of the identified audience segments. Dynamic ad sets were employed to adapt the creative content dynamically based on user interactions, ensuring a personalized experience for each viewer. A/B testing was conducted rigorously to gauge the resonance of different ad sets, laying the groundwork for the subsequent movements in the symphony.

Metrics Spotlight:

  • Impressions: Tracking the number of times each ad set was viewed provided valuable insights into the reach and visibility among the diversified audience.

  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): An essential metric indicating the effectiveness of ad sets in capturing audience interest and prompting them to take action.

  • Engagement Metrics: Likes, comments, and shares were closely monitored to assess the level of audience interaction and gauge the resonance of the creative content.

Movement 3: Crescendo of Conversion Optimization

As the symphony progressed, the focus shifted to the optimization of conversion. Facebook’s pixel technology was harnessed to track user interactions beyond the platform, providing a holistic view of the customer journey. The introduction of the Facebook Pixel allowed for precise measurement of conversions, enabling the brand to discern the ad sets and campaigns contributing most effectively to the bottom line.

Metrics Spotlight:

  • Conversion Rate: Measuring the percentage of website visitors who completed a desired action (e.g., making a purchase) provided crucial insights into the effectiveness of each campaign in driving tangible results.

  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): A key metric reflecting the revenue generated for every unit of advertising spend, serving as the ultimate barometer of campaign success.

Conclusion of Movement 1-20: A Harmonious Prelude

The inaugural movement of this symphony concluded with a harmonious blend of audience diversification strategies, nuanced ad sets, and precise conversion optimization. With a collective ROAS of 3.8, this phase set the stage for the subsequent movements, each building upon the successes and learnings of its predecessor. The Chikankari brand, like a maestro fine-tuning an ensemble, was poised for an even grander performance in the upcoming acts of this marketing opus.

Campaign 31-40: Creative Testing Brilliance

Building on the success of the audience-focused campaigns, the brand entered the creative testing phase with an arsenal of 20 campaigns, each featuring distinct ad creatives. This initiative not only combated creative fatigue but also provided invaluable insights into consumer preferences. The ROAS for this phase soared to 4.2, surpassing the initial benchmarks.

Metrics Spotlight:

  • Ad Creative Variants: A multitude of ad creative variants were introduced, spanning imagery, copy, and formatting. Each variant was meticulously designed to resonate with diverse audience sensibilities.

  • Engagement Metrics: Facebook’s analytics delved into likes, shares, comments, and reactions to discern the audience’s emotional response, providing valuable insights into the resonance of each creative variant.

Movement 2: A/B Testing Symphony

Within each campaign, an ensemble of A/B testing was conducted to decipher the harmonics of each creative element. Ad sets featuring different visuals, headlines, and ad copy were pitted against each other, allowing the brand to discern which arrangements struck the most resonant chord with the audience.

Metrics Spotlight:

  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): A critical metric indicating the effectiveness of each creative variant in capturing audience interest and driving clicks.

  • Conversion Tracking: As the audience engaged with the diverse ad creatives, the subsequent conversion tracking illuminated which variants were most successful in guiding users along the conversion journey.

  • Cost per Click (CPC): Measuring the cost incurred for each click provided insights into the efficiency of the creative elements in driving user engagement.

Movement 3: Dynamic Ad Sets and Adaptive Creativity

In a harmonious blend of innovation and adaptability, dynamic ad sets were introduced to adjust creative content dynamically based on user interactions. This adaptive approach allowed the brand to tailor its messaging in real-time, ensuring a personalized and engaging experience for each viewer.

Metrics Spotlight:

  • Dynamic Ad Engagement Rate: Monitoring the rate at which users interacted with dynamically changing ad content gauged the effectiveness of this adaptive approach.

  • Relevance Score: Facebook’s algorithm assigned a relevance score to each ad, reflecting its perceived relevance and resonance with the target audience.


Here is the Result

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Campaign 41-55: Collection Page Optimization Mastery

Recognizing the paramount importance of the collection page, the brand undertook a meticulous optimization process in 15 campaigns. Load times were improved, product descriptions were refined, and a countdown timer injected a sense of urgency. The result? An outstanding ROAS of 4.5, setting a new standard for the brand’s performance.

Metrics Spotlight:

  • Retargeting Conversion Rate: Measuring the percentage of users who, after being retargeted, completed a desired action, provided insights into the effectiveness of the retargeting strategy.

  • Frequency: Tracking the number of times an ad was shown to a user allowed the brand to optimize ad delivery and avoid overexposure.

Metrics Spotlight:

  • Cross-Device Conversions: Understanding how users moved across devices before converting shed light on the multi-channel journey and informed cross-platform marketing strategies.

  • Attribution Modeling: Examining different attribution models provided insights into which touchpoints and interactions played pivotal roles in the conversion process.

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Campaign 56-71: Advanced Techniques for Market Domination

The final leg of the journey featured 16 campaigns leveraging advanced techniques, including lookalike audiences and retargeting. By creating 71 lookalike audiences based on the characteristics of the best-performing segment and re-engaging potential customers through retargeting ads, the brand achieved an exceptional ROAS of 4.3, cementing its market dominance.

Results and Conclusion:

The symphony unfolded across 71 campaigns, 430 ad sets, and 4,092 ads, composing a masterpiece that resonated in the annals of digital marketing. The harmonious convergence of audience precision, creative ingenuity, collection page optimization, and advanced techniques not only yielded a staggering return on investment but also established the Chikankari brand as an unparalleled virtuoso in the vibrant landscape of Indian fashion.

This in-depth case study serves as an ode to the brand’s commitment to excellence, innovation, and adaptability. The Chikankari brand’s ability to orchestrate a multifaceted and resonant strategy speaks to the brand’s mastery in navigating the dynamic currents of the digital marketing symphony, leaving an indelible mark on the industry.

Google ads clothing brand Result

Starting the Tune: Google Ads Joins the Song

Alongside our Facebook campaigns, we welcomed Google Ads with an investment of 6.5 lakh. This was like adding another instrument to our music, expanding our reach beyond just Facebook. We made sure the money we put in was just right for this part of our marketing melody.

Key Points:

  • Spending Wisely: We carefully divided our money between Facebook and Google Ads, making sure both platforms worked well together.

  • Choosing Words Carefully: We picked words that people often use when looking for Chikankari products. This helped our ads show up when people searched on Google.

Playing the Search Game: Getting Noticed When It Counts

Our Google Ads focus was on showing up when someone typed in words related to Chikankari. We wanted to be right there when people were actively looking to buy. This part of the song targeted those who were ready to make a purchase.

Key Points:

  • Making Ads Click-Worthy: We made sure our ads stood out, making people more likely to click on them.

  • Seeing the Results: We kept track of how many people clicked on our ads and, most importantly, how many of them actually made a purchase.

Reconnecting with Our Audience: Reminding Them of Chikankari

Besides Search, we also used Google Ads to remind people about Chikankari. If someone visited our website or interacted with us on Facebook but didn’t buy anything, we gently reminded them through Google Ads. It was like humming our tune to those who had heard it but didn’t join the dance yet.

Key Points:

  • Not Forgetting Visitors: We showed ads to people who had been on our website or checked us out on Facebook but didn’t buy anything yet.

  • Keeping It Simple: We wanted our reminders to be friendly and not pushy, so people felt good about coming back to us.

The Grand Finale: A Big Win with 8x ROAS

Our Google Ads duet ended on a high note with an impressive 8x Return on Ad Spend (ROAS). This fantastic performance wasn’t just about numbers; it showed that our brand could shine not only on Facebook but also on Google. The simple combination of both platforms made our Chikankari brand stand out in the fashion world, and we’re just getting started.

After doing that much marketing for that brand their organic result increases and from all the channels (Facebook, Google, Organic, Whatsapp Campaign) that brand generates 20lakh per month with the marketing cost of 1.8 Lakh/month, and their organic sales increase by 100000%. But this is not a short story it took 3 years of efforts.